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Northwest Pipeline LLC Notice Detail

Northwest Pipeline LLC

NOTICE # 20-112
2020 Winter Fuel Filing FERC Acceptance posted on Sep 18 2020 8:44AM

TSP Name:  Northwest Pipeline LLC     TSP:  67977322

Critical:  N
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE
Notice Type Desc:  RATES AND CHARGES
Post D/T:  09/18/2020 8:44 AM MCT
Notice Eff D/T:  09/18/2020 8:44 AM MCT
Notice End D/T:  
Reqrd Rsp Desc:  No response required
Rsp D/T:  

Notice ID:  20-112
Prior Notice:  
Subject:  2020 Winter Fuel Filing FERC Acceptance

Notice Text:


On August 27, 2020 Northwest submitted for FERC acceptance its semi-annual fuel filing

to place into effect a new fuel factor for gas used and gas lost and unaccounted-for. By this

filing, Northwest proposed a decrease from 0.91% to 0.88% in the transportation services

factor for Rate Schedules TF-1, TF-2, TI-1 and DEX-1. On September 17, 2020 FERC

accepted Docket RP20-1122 and the new fuel rate will become effective on October 1, 2020.

