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Northwest Pipeline LLC Notice Detail

Northwest Pipeline LLC

NOTICE # 24-184

TSP Name:  Northwest Pipeline LLC     TSP:  67977322

Critical:  N
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE
Post D/T:  10/23/2024 8:51 AM MCT
Notice Eff D/T:  10/23/2024 8:51 AM MCT
Notice End D/T:  
Reqrd Rsp Desc:  No response required
Rsp D/T:  

Notice ID:  24-184
Prior Notice:  

Notice Text:


From:   Gil Perez  (346)228-4168

        Xan Kotter (801)558-6327




Northwest Pipeline LLC (“Transporter”) has posted the following two packages

of available firm TF-1 Large Customer transportation capacity to its Electronic

Bulletin Board (“EBB”) for competitive bid pursuant to the “Available Capacity”

provisions of Transporter’s Tariff.




Please call Gil @ 346-228-4168 or Xan @ 801-558-6327 if you have any

questions. Time deadlines will be electronically monitored and implemented.




                                                                        PACKAGE 92-1



POINT          POINT              DTH/D                    TERM              OFFER__

Stanfield      Cross Over 16      25,000           04/01/2026 – 03/31/2031    Yes


Min. Acceptable Bid:  Maximum Base Tariff Rate

Min. Acceptable Bid Vol:         1 Dth/d

Max. Acceptable Bid Vol:    25,000 Dth/d

Bid Open Date:                10/23/2024  (10:00 AM Mountain Time)

Bid Close Date:               10/28/2024  (10:00 AM Mountain Time)

PA Match Deadline:            10/30/2024  (10:00 AM Mountain Time)

Award Deadline:               10/30/2024  (12:00 PM Mountain Time)

Right to Extend               Yes, see Non-Conforming Provisions in Section III

Evergreen:                    Yes, see Non-Conforming Provisions in Section III



                                        PACKAGE 9-2



POINT         POINT                      DTH/D                    TERM             OFFER__

Opal          Kern River Muddy Creek     73,000          04/01/2026 – 03/31/2031   Yes

Min. Acceptable Bid:         $0.11 Dth/d

Min. Acceptable Bid Vol:         1 Dth/d

Max. Acceptable Bid Vol:    73,000 Dth/d

Bid Open Date:                10/23/2024  (10:00 AM Mountain Time)

Bid Close Date:               10/28/2024  (10:00 AM Mountain Time)

PA Match Deadline:            10/30/2024  (10:00 AM Mountain Time)

Award Deadline:               10/30/2024  (12:00 AM Mountain Time)

Right to Extend          Yes, see Non-Conforming Provisions in Section III

Evergreen:                Yes, see Non-Conforming Provisions in Section III


ADDITIONAL CHARGES: Except as provided in the first paragraph of Section II,

the prospective shipper will pay in addition to the rates above any maximum

volumetric charges, reservation surcharges, and other charges (i.e., ACA, CRM

Surcharge, scheduled overrun, penalties, etc.), and provide prospective

shipper’s pro rata share of gas used for fuel (including lost or gained and

unaccounted-for gas), each as approved by FERC under Rate Schedule TF-1 of

Transporter’s Tariff for the service, as the same may be adjusted from time to

time with FERC’s approval.





If prospective shipper is awarded capacity under Package 9-2 at a rate

 that is less than the Maximum Base Tariff Rate, then such rate shall be

considered a “Discounted Rate”. The Discounted Rate will be treated as already

including the prospective shipper’s payment of the discount-adjusted CRM

Surcharge. However, changes to the discount-adjusted CRM Surcharge will not

change the Discounted Rate.


The Discounted Rate shall remain in effect for the life of the prospective

shipper’s transportation service agreement for the Package 9-2 capacity

(“Package 9-2 TSA”) or 10 years, whichever is less (“Discounted Rate

Period”). The Discounted Rate shall remain fixed throughout the Discounted

Rate Period unless the Maximum Base Tariff Rate falls below the Discounted Rate.

If the Maximum Base Tariff Rate falls below the Discounted Rate, then the

Discounted Rate shall equal the Maximum Base Tariff Rate for such time as the

Maximum Base Tariff Rate remains below the Discounted Rate.


If the Package 9-2 TSA should extend beyond 10 years, then the

 Discounted Rate shall no longer apply and the Maximum Base Tariff Rate shall

apply plus the Additional Charges described in Section I, including the full

CRM Surcharge if it is still in effect.


The Discounted Rate will only apply to transportation service between the Opal

 Receipt Point and the Kern River Muddy Creek Delivery Point or, if applicable,

between the Opal Receipt Point and the Naughton Delivery Point discussed in the

fifth paragraph of Section III (“Discounted Path"). If the prospective shipper

or its replacement shipper(s) should ever transport outside the Discounted Path,

then the Discounted Rate shall no longer apply and the Maximum Base Tariff Rate

shall apply for the remaining life of the Package 9-2 TSA plus the

Additional Charges described in Section I, including the full CRM Surcharge if

it is still in effect.





RIGHT TO EXTEND PACKAGE 92-1 TSA. If the prospective shipper enters a

TSA for capacity under Package 92-1 (“Package 92-1 TSA”), it

will have a primary term of 5 years. One year prior to the end of the primary

term or any extension thereafter, the prospective shipper may elect to extend

the term of its Package 92-1 TSA for an additional year, up to a

maximum of five 1-year term extensions.


BI-LATERAL EVERGREEN FOR PACKAGE 92-1 TSA. If the prospective shipper

has elected to extend its Package 92-1 TSA for five 1-year term

extensions then, beginning in the tenth year of its term, the 1-year bi-lateral

evergreen provision in Section 12.2 (a)(iii) of Rate Schedule TF-1 of the Tariff

shall apply.



92-1 TSA enters an eleventh year and the prospective shipper has been paying a

negotiated rate, then such negotiated rate shall no longer apply, and the

Maximum Base Tariff Rate plus the Additional Charges described in Section I

shall apply for the remaining life of the Package 92-1 TSA.


RIGHT TO EXTEND PACKAGE 9-2 TSA. If the prospective shipper enters a

Package 9-2 TSA, it will have a primary term of 5 years. One year prior

to the end of the primary term or any extension thereafter, the prospective

shipper may elect to extend the term of its Package 9-2 TSA for an

additional year, up to a maximum of five 1-year term extensions.


BI-LATERAL EVERGREEN FOR PACKAGE 9-2 TSA. If the prospective shipper

has elected to extend its Package 9-2 TSA for five 1-year term

extensions then, beginning in the tenth year of its term, the 1-year bi-lateral

evergreen provision in Section 12.2 (a)(iii) of Rate Schedule TF-1 of the Tariff

will apply.



2 TSA enters an eleventh year and the prospective shipper has been paying a

Discounted Rate, then such Discounted Rate shall no longer apply and the Maximum

Base Tariff Rate plus the Additional Charges described in Section I, including

the full CRM Surcharge if it is still in effect, shall apply for the remaining

life of the Package 9-2 TSA.



the local, state, and other federal authorizations necessary to construct a

meter station on its Northwest Pipeline near MP 449 in Lincoln County, Wyoming

(“Naughton Delivery Point”) at Transporter’s expense. Transporter shall use

commercially reasonable efforts to construct and place in service the Naughton

Delivery Point no later than April 1, 2026. At least seven (7) days prior to

placing the Naughton Delivery Point in service, Transporter shall provide notice

to the prospective shipper. The prospective shipper shall then have a one-time

right exercisable within 5 days after receiving such notice to amend its

delivery point under its Package 92-1 TSA and/or Package 9-2

TSA, as applicable, to the Naughton Delivery Point.  


OTHER NON-CONFORMING PROVISIONS. If prospective shipper enters a

Package 92-1 TSA and/or Package 9-2 TSA, then in addition to the non-

conforming provisions above such TSA(s) shall also include the non-conforming

provisions set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto.





Transporter will only accept e-mail bids for the available capacity from credit

worthy shippers. Any duplicate bids will be discarded. E-Mail bid receipt time

stamp will be used to determine timely arrival. A prospective shipper who

withdraws its bid may not submit another bid with a lower economic value. A

prospective shipper may not submit multiple bids for the same available

capacity. Bids will only be accepted for the posted primary contract term(s).

Transporter is not obligated to accept bids for shorter term(s) or different

path(s) than posted for the available capacity. Transporter may accept or reject

any such bids. Prospective shipper may submit a bid on an individual package or

any combination of the listed packages but is not required to bid on all




Transporter will award the capacity outlined herein on a total net present value

(NVP) basis. First, the NPV of each package bid on by a prospective shipper

shall be determined using the following formula:




i = monthly payment period

n = term in months

R = incremental monthly reservation revenue (Bid Qty (Dth/d)*Bid Daily Rate

($/Dth)*#Days in month i)

DR = the discount rate


Second, the NPV of each package bid on by a prospective shipper shall then be

summed to determine the total NPV of such prospective shipper’s bid(s). The

prospective shipper whose bid(s) generate(s) the highest total NPV, and which

exceeds the total NPV of the Prearranged Offer described in Section I, will be

awarded the capacity unless the pre-arranged shipper elects to exercise its

one-time right to match the total NPV of such prospective shipper’s bid(s).


However, in case of a tie between two or more prospective shippers, each tied

prospective shipper will have the right to improve the total NPV of its bid(s)

by submitting improved bid(s) on the package(s) within 24 hours of the bid close



If a tie still exists after submission of the improved bids, then the pre-

arranged shipper shall have the one-time right to match the total NPV of the

improved bids. If the pre-arranged shipper elects not to match the total NPV of

the improved bids, then such capacity shall be awarded on a pro-rata basis per

package to the prospective shippers bidding on such package who have indicated

a willingness to accept a pro-rata share. All bidding and awarding will be

conducted in accordance with General Terms and Conditions Section 25 of

Transporter’s Tariff.


Transporter’s acceptance of a prospective shipper’s bid(s) for the available

capacity will constitute a binding offer from the prospective shipper to

Transporter for the available capacity on the terms and conditions posted



If any of the available capacity is awarded to a prospective shipper, then the

prospective shipper agrees to submit a request in Transporter’s Northwest

Passage within two (2) business days after notification of the award by





                                   EXHIBIT A












      (Company Name & Address)


Contact Name:        ________________________________


Contact Phone Number:  ________________________________


E-mail: ___________________________________




________________________ (“Prospective Shipper”) is requesting that Transporter

consider the following bid(s) for available TF-1 transportation capacity as

noted below. Prospective Shipper understands that the procedures outlined in

this posting will be utilized in accepting, evaluating and awarding such bid.

This bid supersedes any bids previously submitted by Prospective Shipper, if



1.  Contract Demand – Package 92-1:  25,000 Dth/d OR ______________

2.  Dth/d


The minimum Contract Demand Prospective Shipper is willing to accept in the

event Transporter must allocate capacity: ____________Dth/d


Primary Receipt Point and MDQ:

 Stanfield       25,000 Dth/d or ____________ Dth/d

Primary Delivery Point and MDDOs:

 Cross Over 16   25,000 Dth/d or ____________Dth/d


Reservation Charge (per Dth of CD):

______, the Maximum Base Tariff Rate, plus applicable surcharges (check blank if applicable)


Primary Term Begin Date:  04/01/2026

Primary Term End Date:    ­­­­­­­­­­­03/31/2031



3.  Contract Demand – Package 9-2:  73,000 Dth/d OR ______________ Dth/d


The minimum Contract Demand Prospective Shipper is willing to accept in the

event Transporter must allocate capacity: ____________Dth/d


Primary Receipt Point and MDQ:

Opal Receipt           73,000 Dth/d or ____________ Dth/d

Primary Delivery Point and MDDOs:

Kern River Muddy Creek 73,000 Dth/d or ____________Dth/d


Reservation Charge (per Dth of CD):

_____, the Maximum Base Tariff Rate, plus applicable surcharges (check blank

if applicable)


$__ __, representing a discounted rate that is below the Maximum Base Tariff

Rate and at or above the minimum acceptable bid rate of $0.11 Dth/d, plus

applicable surcharges


Primary Term Begin Date:  04/01/2026

Primary Term End Date:    ­­­­­­­­­­­03/31/2031






(Company Name)


(Authorized Person’s Name and Title)



(Signature and Date)


Affiliate of Transporter:   Yes________ No_________       


Send completed e-mail bid form to:




(Reserved for Transporter’s response)


Accepted   /    Rejected by Transporter


Rejected Reason: __________________________________________


Date:  _______________Name:  __________________________


Transporter’s acceptance of Prospective Shipper’s bid(s) for this firm

capacity shall constitute binding offer(s) from Prospective Shipper to

Transporter for the available capacity on the terms and conditions posted

herein. If any of the available capacity is awarded to Prospective Shipper,

Prospective Shipper agrees to submit request(s) in Transporter’s Northwest

Passage within two (2) business days after notification of the award by




                                    EXHIBIT B


                                                                    ARTICLE B-I



B-1.1   Transporter’s obligations under this Agreement are contingent upon Shipper’s continuing

satisfaction of the creditworthiness standard or the collateral alternative set forth in this Article B-

I. Any reference to Shipper in this Article B-I shall also refer and apply to its Guarantor if Shipper

has provided a guaranty of financial performance as collateral pursuant to Section B-1.8(a).


B-1.2   Upon Transporter’s request, Shipper shall furnish annually the up-to-date information

specified below (“Credit Information”). In addition, Transporter reserves the right to request Credit

Information at any other time if Transporter reasonably believes that Shipper’s creditworthiness,

collateral, or ability to pay may have deteriorated. Shipper shall furnish complete Credit

Information to Transporter within ten (10) days after receiving Transporter’s request (“Credit

Information Deadline”). Transporter will maintain any non-public data included in Shipper’s

Credit Information on a confidential basis for one (1) year after its receipt. Credit Information will



(a)               Financial statements (to include a balance sheet, income statement and statement

of cash flow), annual reports, 10-K reports or other financial filings with regulatory

agencies.  If audited financial statements are not available, then Shipper must provide an

attestation by its Chief Financial Officer, Controller, or equivalent that such statements

constitute a true, correct and fair representation of the Shipper’s financial condition

prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (“GAAP”) or

equivalent standard. If the above information is available on the public internet, Shipper

instead may provide instructions regarding where such statements may be located by



(b)               List of affiliates, parent companies and subsidiaries.


(c)               Publicly available information from credit reports by credit and bond rating



(d)       Private credit ratings, if obtained by Shipper.


(e)        Bank and utility credit references. If Shipper does not have utility references, trade

payable vendor references may be substituted.


(f)        For state-regulated utility local gas distribution companies, documentation from

their respective state regulatory commission (or equivalent authority) of an authorized gas

supply cost recovery mechanism that fully recovers both gas commodity and

transportation capacity costs and is afforded regulatory asset accounting treatment in

accordance with GAAP or equivalent.


(g)        Such other information as may be mutually agreed to by the Parties.


Transporter shall not be obligated to consider any information other than that which Shipper

provides, but may, in its sole discretion, elect to do so if Transporter believes that the Credit

Information provided by Shipper is inaccurate or incomplete.


B-1.3   Transporter shall apply consistent evaluation practices to all similarly situated shippers

executing transportation service agreements for service on the Project when determining Shipper’s

financial ability to perform the payment obligations that may be due Transporter during the term

of this Agreement. 


B-1.4   Transporter will apply the following standard in determining whether Shipper is



(a)               Shipper will be deemed creditworthy if: (i) Shipper has a long-term senior

unsecured debt rating of BBB or better from Standard & Poor’s Corporation

(“S&P”) or Baa2 or better from Moody’s Investor Service (“Moody’s”), in each

case with stable or better outlook (if Shipper is rated by both agencies, then the

lower rating shall apply); and (ii) Shipper’s Credit Limit determined in accordance

with Section B-1.5 is equal to or greater than the Minimum Credit Requirement

identified in Section B-1.7; or

(b)               Shipper will be considered creditworthy if: (i) Shipper’s long-term senior

unsecured debt is not rated by S&P or Moody’s, but Transporter nevertheless

determines based on the results of a thorough evaluation of the information

provided by Shipper in Section B-1.2 that Shipper’s debt rating is equivalent to the

ratings in Section B-1.4(a)(i); and (ii) Shipper’s Credit Limit is equal to or greater

than the Minimum Credit Requirement.


B-1.5   If Shipper satisfies either Section B-1.4(a)(i) or B-1.4(b)(i), as applicable, then Transporter

will establish a credit limit for Shipper based on a thorough evaluation of the Credit Information

provided by Shipper in Section B-1.2 relative to Shipper’s outstanding credit exposures

(“Shipper’s Credit Limit”). If Shipper’s Credit Limit is less than the Minimum Credit

Requirement, then Shipper must provide collateral pursuant to Section B-1.8 in an amount equal

to the difference between the Minimum Credit Requirement and Shipper’s Credit Limit

(“Shipper’s Credit Shortfall”).


B-1.6   If Shipper does not satisfy either Section B-1.4(a)(i) or B-1.4(b)(i), as applicable, then

Transporter will not establish a credit limit for Shipper. Rather, Shipper will be required to provide

collateral pursuant to Section B-1.8 in an amount equal to the Minimum Credit Requirement.


B-1.7   The “Minimum Credit Requirement” shall equal the Negotiated Reservation Rate payable

on Shipper’s Contract Demand over the next three (3) months or the remaining term of this

Agreement, whichever is less; provided in no event shall the Minimum Credit Requirement during

the Primary Term or any extension thereof be less than the minimum credit support required under

Transporter’s Tariff.


B-1.8    If Shipper fails or ceases to satisfy either Section B-1.4(a) or B-1.4(b), as applicable,

Transporter will notify Shipper of the basis for such determination and the amount of Shipper’s

Credit Shortfall. Similarly, if Shipper has previously provided collateral pursuant to this Section

B-1.8, but such collateral fails or ceases to satisfy the conditions of this Section B-1.8, Transporter

will notify Shipper of the basis for such determination and the amount of Shipper’s Credit

Shortfall. Shipper will have fifteen (15) days after receipt of such notice (“Collateral Deadline”)

to provide collateral in an amount not less than Shipper’s Credit Shortfall in one or more of the

acceptable forms described below.


(a)               Shipper may provide a guaranty of financial performance, in form and substance

satisfactory to Transporter, from one or more guarantors (collectively “Guarantor”)

that complies with the information requirements in Section B-1.2 and meets the

applicable creditworthiness standard in Section B-1.4. Transporter may reevaluate

the creditworthiness of Shipper and its Guarantor pursuant to this Article B-I from

time to time and will notify Shipper of the results.


(b)               A standby irrevocable letter of credit (“LC”) in form and substance satisfactory to

Transporter, drawn upon a major U.S. bank having assets of at least U.S. $10 billion

and with a credit rating of A or better from S&P or A2 or better from Moody’s (if

the bank is rated by both agencies, then the lower rating shall apply). Transporter

may reevaluate the creditworthiness of Shipper and the bank providing the LC

pursuant to this Article B-I from time to time and will notify Shipper of the results.


(c)               Shipper may provide a cash security deposit (“Deposit”). Transporter may

reevaluate Shipper’s creditworthiness pursuant to this Article B-I from time to time

and will notify Shipper of the results.


(d)               Shipper may provide such other collateral as mutually agreed to in writing by the

Parties on a nondiscriminatory basis.


B-1.9   If Shipper defaults under Section B-1.2 or B-1.8, then Transporter may terminate this

Agreement by providing thirty (30) days’ notice of termination to Shipper and FERC. However,

Shipper may avoid such termination by curing such default within the thirty (30) day notice period.

If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section B-1.9, then Transporter may immediately

cease providing service to Shipper and obtain recovery for Shipper’s default.



                                                                ARTICLE B-II

                                                           DISPUTED STATEMENTS


B-2.1   If Shipper should dispute the amount of any statement delivered under this Agreement,

then on or before the disputed statement’s due date Shipper shall notify Transporter of the dispute

and provide documentation identifying the basis for the dispute.  In addition, Shipper shall pay by

the statement’s due date:


(a)               The full amount of the statement, subject to refund with interest on the refunded

amount upon final determination of the dispute in Shipper’s favor; or


(b)               Such amount of the statement as Shipper concedes to be correct and, within ten (10)

days after the statements due date, furnish a surety bond from a surety having an

A.M. Best credit rating of “A” or better, guarantying payment to Transporter of the

withheld amount with interest upon final determination of the dispute in

Transporter’s favor.


B-2.2   Interest on any overpayment or underpayment of the amount finally determined to be due

shall accrue at the lesser of one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month or the highest rate

permissible under applicable law, calculated daily and compounded monthly. Final determination

of the amount due may be reached by either agreement of the Parties or judgment of the courts.


B-2.3   If Shipper posts a surety bond and the amount finally determined to be due Transporter is

less than or equal to the amount that Shipper asserted in its documentation as being the correct

amount due, then Transporter shall reimburse Shipper the premium paid by Shipper for the surety



B-2.4   Except as permitted in Section B-2.1(b), Shipper’s failure to pay the full amount of any

statement when due shall be deemed a default under this Agreement. Upon such default,

Transporter may terminate this Agreement by providing thirty (30) days’ notice of termination to

Shipper and FERC. However, Shipper may avoid such termination by taking one of the following

actions within the thirty (30) day notice period:


(a)               Not disputing the statement and paying the full amount due together with interest

at the rate set forth in Section B-2.2; or


(b)               Disputing the statement in compliance with Section B-2.1(a) or B-2.1(b); provided

Shipper’s delay in complying with Section B-2.1(a) or B-2.1(b) shall be deemed a

waiver of Shipper’s right to recover any interest or bond premium under Section B-

2.1(a) or B-2.1(b).


If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section B-2.4, then Transporter may immediately

cease providing service to Shipper and obtain recovery for Shipper’s default.


                                                                ARTICLE B-III



B-3.1   This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the

State of Wyoming without giving effect to any choice or conflict of law provision or rule that

would cause the laws of any other jurisdiction to apply.


B-3.2   The provisions of this Agreement shall be considered as prepared through the joint efforts

 of the Parties and shall not be construed against either Party because of the preparation or drafting



B-3.3   If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable by a court or regulatory

body of competent jurisdiction, then the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in

full force and effect.


B-3.4 No waiver by either Party of any one or more defaults by the other in the performance of

any provisions of this Agreement will operate or be construed as a waiver of any other default or

defaults, whether of a like or of a different character.


B-3.5   Any lawsuit, action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be

instituted in the federal courts of the United States of America or the courts of the State of

Wyoming in each case located in Cheyenne, Laramie County, Wyoming, and each Party

irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts in any such lawsuit, action or



B-3.6   The prevailing Party in any lawsuit, action or proceeding brought to enforce this

Agreement or collect any amount due under this Agreement shall be entitled to recover its

reasonable attorneys’ fees, expert witnesses’ fees and other expenses incurred at trial and any



B-3.7 Transporter will not file or cause to be filed with FERC under Section 4 of the Natural Gas

Act (“NGA”) any request to change the negotiated or discounted rate provided under this

Agreement. Shipper will not file or cause to be filed with FERC under Section 5 of the NGA, any

request to change the negotiated or discounted rate provided under this Agreement. In the event of

a challenge by a third party regarding the negotiated or discounted rate provided under this

Agreement, and upon written request from Transporter, Shipper will file in support of such rate in

Transporter's rate case filed under either Section 4 or 5 of the NGA during the term that such rate

applies. For rate cases that involve a pre-filed settlement, Shipper agrees to support the negotiated

or discounted rate provided under this Agreement during the pre-settlement process.