TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 67977322
Critical: N
Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE
Post D/T: 09/11/2024 1:12 PM MCT
Notice Eff D/T: 09/11/2024 1:12 PM MCT
Notice End D/T: 10/04/2024 1:12 PM MCT
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp D/T:
Notice ID: 24-138
Prior Notice:
Subject: Northwest Pipeline LLC's Wild Trail Project Binding Open Season and Reverse Open
Notice Text:
Northwest Pipeline LLC ("Northwest") hereby announces that it is holding a binding open season
(“Open Season”) for its proposed Wild Trail Project (“Project”) and is soliciting binding
commitments for year-round primary firm transportation service to be made available by a
proposed in-service date of November 1, 2027. The purpose of the Project is to provide
additional service from the Wild Horse Receipt Point to the Kern River Muddy Creek Delivery
Point and Ignacio Delivery Point on Northwest’s existing interstate natural gas transportation
system (“Northwest’s System”).
Concurrently with the Open Season, Northwest is soliciting offers for the permanent
relinquishment of primary firm transportation service on Northwest’s System in connection with
the Project. Specifically, shippers under Rate Schedule TF-1 of Northwest’ FERC Gas Tariff
(“Tariff”) holding primary firm transportation service within the path and direction of the
Project (defined as “Relinquishment Path” below) may offer that capacity for relinquishment,
subject to the conditions set forth below (“Reverse Open Season”).
The Open Season and the Reverse Open Season will each commence at 5:00 p.m. CST on
September 11, 2024, and end at 5:00 p.m. CST on October 4, 2024 (the “Open Season Period”).
For more detailed information, the Open Season / Reverse Open Season Notice, Binding Open
Season Request Form, Irrevocable Offer to Relinquish Capacity and Pro Forma Confidentiality
Agreement can be found at the following web address:
Please contact Xan Kotter at 360-666-2196 or via email to xan.g.kotter@Williams.com and
Jordan McDonough at 832-374-9513 or via email to jordan.mcdonough@Williams.com with
any questions.