TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 67977322
Critical: Y
Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE
Post D/T: 10/03/2024 7:16 AM MCT
Notice Eff D/T: 10/03/2024 7:16 AM MCT
Notice End D/T:
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp D/T:
Notice ID: 24-162
Prior Notice:
Subject: Stage I Overrun Entitlement
Notice Text:
Due to excessive drafting in the Mid-Section of the pipeline (between Meacham Compressor and Kemmerer Compressor Stations) and pressure restrictions based on required maintenance in the corridor (see notice #24-158 Caldwell CS Unplanned Maintenance & Caldwell to Baker Immediate Digs), Northwest is declaring a Same Day Stage I (5%) Overrun Entitlement for all Receiving Parties north of Kemmerer compressor and south of Meacham compressor stations beginning October 3, 2024, per section 14.6 of Northwest’s FERC Gas Tariff. Additionally, Northwest is declaring a Stage I (3%) Overrun Entitlement beginning Friday, October 4, 2024, until further notice, in the Kemmerer to Meacham corridor.
If you have any questions, please contact your Commercial Services representative or the Scheduling Hotline at (713) 215-6907.