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Northwest Pipeline LLC Notice Detail

Northwest Pipeline LLC

NOTICE # 24-063
Stage III (13%) Underrun Entitlement Lifted posted on Apr 6 2024 9:50AM

TSP Name:  Northwest Pipeline LLC     TSP:  67977322

Critical:  Y
Notice Stat Desc:  SUPERSEDE
Post D/T:  04/06/2024 9:50 AM MCT
Notice Eff D/T:  04/06/2024 9:50 AM MCT
Notice End D/T:  
Reqrd Rsp Desc:  No response required
Rsp D/T:  

Notice ID:  24-063
Prior Notice:  24-056
Subject:  Stage III (13%) Underrun Entitlement Lifted

Notice Text:

Due to the excessive drafting, effective Gas Day April 7, 2024,

Northwest is lifting the Stage III (13%) Underrun Entitlement

for all Receiving Parties north of the Kemmerer compressor

station that was issued in All Shipper’s Notice 24-056 and was

scheduled to end Gas Day April 10.


As a reminder, Northwest has limited balancing flexibility with

Clay Basin shut-in through Gas Day April 10. Shippers are

encouraged to stay on rate as the system is severely limited in

absorbing further excessive drafting or banking.


If you have any questions, please call your Commercial Services

Representative or the hotline at 713-215-6301.