TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 67977322
Critical: Y
Notice Stat Desc: SUPERSEDE
Notice Type Desc: OTHER
Post D/T: 01/14/2024 6:54 AM MCT
Notice Eff D/T: 01/14/2024 6:54 AM MCT
Notice End D/T:
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp D/T:
Notice ID: 24-021
Prior Notice: 24-020
Subject: Return to Normal Operations and Stage II (8%) Entitlement
Notice Text:
We are pleased to announce that Northwest Pipeline system operations and line pack have stabilized
and are ready to resume normal business. However, the Pacific Northwest is still experiencing colder-
than-normal weather for the next couple of days, so we kindly request our customers to avoid drafting
the system.
Effective immediately, we are changing the Stage I (3%) Overrun Entitlement period for all Receiving
Parties north of the Kemmerer compressor station (All Shippers Notice #24-020) to the Stage II (8%)
Entitlement for the same area.
We sincerely thank our Shippers, Interconnects and Employees for their cooperation and support during
this challenging time.
For any questions, please contact your Commercial Services Representative or the hotline
at 713-215-6301.