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Northwest Pipeline LLC Notice Detail

Northwest Pipeline LLC

NOTICE # 24-018
Operational Emergency - JP posted on Jan 13 2024 2:47PM

TSP Name:  Northwest Pipeline LLC     TSP:  67977322

Critical:  Y
Notice Stat Desc:  INITIATE
Post D/T:  01/13/2024 2:47 PM MCT
Notice Eff D/T:  01/13/2024 2:47 PM MCT
Notice End D/T:  
Reqrd Rsp Desc:  Immediate response required of an operational nature may be required of impacted shippers
Rsp D/T:  01/13/2024 2:47 PM 

Notice ID:  24-018
Prior Notice:  
Subject:  Operational Emergency - JP

Notice Text:

Puget Sound Energy’s Jackson Prairie Storage facility has suffered a

complete outage. Current nominations exceed 1 Bcf with zero flow. Northwest

is losing linepack on the I-5 corridor at a rapid rate. Northwest is 

requesting all parties who can shed load do so immediately. This includes 

Powergens, Industrial and Commercial loads.  

Northwest requests all customers to take IMMEDIATE action to reduce loads on the system.  
Updates will be made as soon as they are available.
If you have any questions, please contact your Marketing Services 
representative or the Scheduling Hotline at (713) 215-6301.