TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 67977322
Critical: Y
Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE
Notice Type Desc: MAINTENANCE
Post D/T: 09/19/2023 7:19 AM MCT
Notice Eff D/T: 09/19/2023 7:19 AM MCT
Notice End D/T:
Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required
Rsp D/T:
Notice ID: 23-199
Prior Notice:
Subject: Plymouth LNG Storage Unplanned Maintenance
Notice Text:
Northwest Pipeline (Northwest) is currently performing
unplanned maintenance on its liquefiers at the Plymouth
LNG Storage Facility (Plymouth). During the Liquefaction
Period, Northwest has experienced intermittent shutdowns
of both liquefiers significantly impacting its ability to
liquify gas into LNG for storage ahead of the winter
season. Current tank levels at Plymouth are approximately
Northwest has been able to successfully return to service
one liquefier and is finalizing an estimate on when the
remaining liquefier will resume operations to reach
maximum and continuous liquefaction. Currently, Northwest
plans to liquify during the Vaporization Period and
provide firm peaking service as outlined in the Rate
Schedule LS-2F.
Based on physical limitations of all system storage
facilities, Northwest may have limited ability to accept
imbalance gas that negatively impacts operations as we
approach the heating season. Northwest requests
customers and interconnects to limit banking and manage
current business to flat or a slight draft. Northwest
continues to monitor pipeline conditions and will provide
updates as warranted.
Please contact your Commercial Services rep with any