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Interruptible Transportation Transactional Report

TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 067977322
K Holder Name: Agrium US Inc. K Holder: 249568056
Svc Req K: 137637 K Holder Prop: 844
Rate Sch: TI-1 K Stat Desc: Amended
Amend Eff Date: 07/01/2024 Amend Reason Code: Name Change
Svc Req Cat: Reg Auth: 18 CFR 284.223
IT Qty - K: 1 Affil Ind Desc: None
Amend Rptg Desc: All Data Post Date: 06/28/2024
K Beg Date: 06/01/2009 Post Time: 10:23
K End Date: 06/30/2009 K Ent Beg Date: 06/01/2009
K Ent End Date: 07/01/2009 K Ent Beg Time: 9:00AM
K Ent End Time: 9:00AM K Roll: Y
K Roll Term: 1 Month K Notify Term: 1 Month
K Termination Rights: Bilateral    
Disc Beg Date: Disc End Date:
Subord Rights Ind:

Contract Locations

Contract includes all receipt and delivery points. For a listing of Northwest Pipeline points please see the Operationally Available report.

Loc K Press Terms/Notes


Contract Rates

Max Trf Rate Ref Desc: Tariff

Disc Terms/Notes





   Yes - See Contract Detail

Exhibit A: Contract Details


Exhibit B: Non-Conforming Provisions


Exhibit C: Facility Reimbursement Obligation


Exhibit D: Negotiated Rate Provisions


Exhibit E: Buy-Out Provisions





1 If the rate displayed on the posting for Max Rate and Rate Charged are equal, then the contract is subject to the currently effective maximum tariff rate, unless otherwise identified in a footnote. To verify the current maximum tariff rate, please refer to Northwest's tariff.