Northwest Pipeline LLC NOTICE #31655 Soliciting Email Bids posted on Mar 4 2024 11:21AM TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 67977322 Critical: N Notice Stat Desc: SUPERSEDE Notice Type Desc: TSP CAPACITY OFFERING Post D/T: 03/04/2024 11:17 AM MCT Notice Eff D/T: 03/04/2024 11:17 AM MCT Notice End D/T: Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required Rsp D/T: Notice ID: 24-043 Prior Notice: 24-042 Subject: Soliciting Email Bids Notice Text:


From:      Gil Perez        (346) 228-4168

  Jordan McDonough (832) 374-9513




Northwest has posted the following packages of available TF-1 Large Customer

Transportation capacity to its Electronic Bulletin Board (“EBB”) for competitive

bid pursuant to the “Available Capacity” provisions of Northwest’s Tariff.

Package U is for Secondary Firm Service with subordinate scheduling rights and

the Package II is for Primary Firm Service.



Please call Gil @ 346-228-4168 or Jordan @ 832-374-9513 if you have any questions.

Time deadlines will be electronically monitored and implemented.

    Package U

        RECEIPT                       DELIVERY                 TOTAL    INITIAL PRIMARY    PREARRANGED

Pkg      POINT                         POINT                   DTH/D      CONTRACT TERM          OFFER

 U   Ignacio Plant       Kern River Muddy Creek Delv      20,000    4/1/2024 – 10/31/2024    No

Subordinate rights apply as defined in GT&C Section 1, Secondary Firm Service Rights with a

Scheduling and Curtailment Priority per GT&C Section 12.1(b)(ii): Yes

Min. Acceptable Bid: $0.15

Min. Acceptable Bid Vol:   1 Dth/d

Max. Acceptable Bid Vol:   20,000 Dth/d


Bid Open Date:               3/04/2024 (11:00 am Mountain Daylight Time)

Bid Close Date:              3/11/2024 (11:00 am Mountain Daylight Time)

PA Match Deadline:        N/A

Award Deadline:              3/13/2024 (11:00 am Mountain Daylight Time)

Evergreen:                   No

Discount Conditions: The Discount Rate remains applicable no matter which receipt and

delivery locations are used by Shipper or by Replacement Shipper(s).

Package II

        RECEIPT                       DELIVERY                 TOTAL    INITIAL PRIMARY    PREARRANGED

Pkg      POINT                         POINT                   DTH/D      CONTRACT TERM          OFFER

II   Ignacio Plant              La Plata - TW               29,000    4/1/2024 – 10/31/2024    No

Min. Acceptable Bid:  $0.07    

Min. Acceptable Bid Vol:     1 Dth/d

Max. Acceptable Bid Vol:     29,000 Dth/d


Bid Open Date:               3/04/2024 (11:00 am Mountain Daylight Time)

Bid Close Date:              3/11/2024 (11:00 am Mountain Daylight Time)

PA Match Deadline:        N/A

Award Deadline:              3/13/2024 (11:00 am Mountain Daylight Time)

Evergreen:                   No

Discount Conditions: The Discount Rate remains applicable no matter which receipt and

delivery locations are used by Shipper or by Replacement Shipper(s).




Northwest will only accept email bids for the posted package(s) of available

 Northwest capacity from credit worthy shippers. Any duplicate bids will be

 discarded. Email receipt time stamp will be used to determine timely arrival.

 A bidder who withdraws its bid may not submit another bid with a lower economic

 value. A bidder may not submit multiple bids for the same capacity.


Bids will be accepted for the primary contract term. Northwest is not obligated

 to accept Bids for a shorter or longer term than posted for the subordinated

 capacity or a different path than posted. Northwest may accept or reject any

 such bids. Bidder may submit a bid on an individual package or any combination

 of the two listed packages but is not required to bid on both packages.


Northwest will award the capacity outlined herein on a net present value (NPV) basis.

The NPV of each package shall be determined using the following formula:




i = monthly payment period

n = term in months

R = incremental monthly reservation revenue (Bid Qty (Dt/d) * Bid Daily Rate ($/Dt) * # Days in month i)

DR = monthly discount rate of 0.7083%


The NPV of each package bid by any party will be summed to determine the best bid.


In case of a tie, each tied shipper will have the right to improve its bid by submitting an improved bid within 24 hours of the bid close time.


If a tie still exists, such capacity shall be awarded on a pro-rata basis to the shippers indicating a willingness to accept a pro-rata share.

All bidding and awarding will be conducted in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions Section 25 of Northwest’s Tariff.

Northwest’s acceptance of Shipper’s bid for this firm capacity will constitute a binding offer from Shipper to Northwest for the capacity and

the terms and conditions posted herein. If any of the capacity is awarded to Shipper, Shipper agrees to submit a request in Northwest Passage

within two (2) business days of notification by Northwest.










      (Company Name & Address)


Contact Name:        ________________________________


Contact Phone Number:  ________________________________


VIA Email –




________________________ (“Shipper”) is requesting that Northwest

Pipeline LLC (“Northwest”) consider the following bid for

available TF-1 transportation capacity as noted below.  Shipper

understands that the procedures outlined in this posting will be

utilized in accepting, evaluating, and awarding such bid. 


This bid supersedes any bids previously submitted by Shipper if



Package U             

Contract Demand: 20,000 Dth/d OR ______________ Dth/d


The minimum Contract Demand Shipper is willing to accept in the event

Transporter must allocate capacity: ____________Dth/d


Reservation Charge (per Dth of CD)(select one):

_____ Maximum Base Tariff Rate, plus applicable surcharges


$_____, plus applicable surcharges

Primary Term Begin Date:            4/01/2024

Primary Term End Date:              10/31/2024

Primary Receipt Point and MDQ:

Ignacio Plant   20,000 Dth/d or ____________ Dth/d

Primary Delivery Point and MDDOs:

Kern River Muddy Creek Delivery   20,000 Dth/d or  ____________Dth/d


Evergreen Provision: None

Subordinate rights:
Subordinate rights apply as defined in GT&C Section 1, Secondary Firm

Service Rights with a Scheduling and Curtailment Priority per GT&C

Section 12.1(b)(ii): Yes


Package II            

Contract Demand: 29,000 Dth/d OR ______________ Dth/d


The minimum Contract Demand Shipper is willing to accept in the event

Transporter must allocate capacity: ____________Dth/d


Reservation Charge (per Dth of CD)(select one):

_____ Maximum Base Tariff Rate, plus applicable surcharges


$_____, plus applicable surcharges

Primary Term Begin Date:            4/01/2024

Primary Term End Date:              10/31/2024

Primary Receipt Point and MDQ:

Ignacio Plant   29,000 Dth/d or ____________ Dth/d

Primary Delivery Point and MDDOs:

La Plata - TW   29,000 Dth/d or  ____________Dth/d

Evergreen Provision: None

Subordinate rights:
Subordinate rights apply as defined in GT&C Section 1, Secondary Firm

Service Rights with a Scheduling and Curtailment Priority per GT&C

Section 12.1(b)(ii): No




(Company Name)


(Authorized Person’s Name and Title)


(Signature and Date)


Affiliate of Transporter:   Yes________ No_________       


Accepted   /    Rejected by Northwest


Rejected Reason: __________________________________________


Date:  _______________Name:  __________________________



Northwest’s acceptance of Shipper’s bid for this firm capacity

will constitute a binding offer from Shipper to Northwest for the

capacity and the terms and conditions posted herein. If any of the

capacity is awarded to Shipper, Shipper agrees to submit a request in

Northwest Passage within two (2) business days of notification by Northwest.