Affiliate Tariff Waivers
Pursuant to 18 CFR Section 358.7(i), waivers of tariff provisions granted in favor of an affiliate are listed below.
DEX-1 Fuel Reimbursement
This log identifies instances under which DEX-1 fuel reimbursement requirement has been waived pursuant to Section 4 of rate schedule DEX-1.
Submitted Waivers:
No waivers have been granted at this time.
Operational Flow Order
This log identifies instances under which OFO penalties associated with noncompliance have been waived pursuant to Section 14.15(f).
Submitted Waivers:
No waivers have been granted at this time.
Determination of Deliveries and Imbalances
This log identifies instances under which penalties associated with Receiving Party/Shipper Imbalances have been waived pursuant to Section 15.2.
Submitted Waivers:
No waivers have been granted at this time.
Daily Entitlement Overrun and Underrun Provisions.
This log identifies instances under which penalties associated with Daily Unauthorized Overrun and Underrun charges have been waived pursuant to Section 15.5(e).
Submitted Waivers:
No waivers have been granted at this time.
Nomination Cycle Deadlines
This log identifies those instances when Northwest waived standard nomination cycle deadlines.
For each of the NAESB scheduling cycles, Transporter will waive the nomination deadline for all shippers, including shippers that may be affiliated with Transporter. This will allow nominations that are received after the NAESB deadline but prior to the commencement of the scheduling process for such NAESB cycle to be scheduled in that cycle.
Template for Waiver Granted
Date Posted:
Date Waiver Granted:
Right or Obligation Waived:
Termination Date for Waiver Period:
Affiliate Name:
Date Posted: