Northwest Pipeline LLC NOTICE #30153 Washougal Maintenance to be complete for gas day August 2 posted on Aug 1 2021 2:07PM TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 67977322 Critical: Y Notice Stat Desc: SUPERSEDE Notice Type Desc: MAINTENANCE Post D/T: 08/01/2021 2:07 PM MCT Notice Eff D/T: 08/01/2021 2:07 PM MCT Notice End D/T: Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required Rsp D/T: Notice ID: 21-123 Prior Notice: 21-122 Subject: Washougal Maintenance to be complete for gas day August 2 Notice Text: The tie-in maintenance at the Washougal compressor station will be 
complete and returned to service for gas day August 2, 2021 

Northwest would like to remind its shipper of the following:  

Northwest Pipeline has an underrun entitlement warning in effect. This 
can include customer specific entitlements for any party banking more 
than the greater of 5% or 10,000 Dth for two consecutive days. 

The Jackson Prairie storage facility is near capacity. Maximum 
injection capacity is limited to 250,000 Dth/d. Northwest will update 
the text section on the website with any changes in injection capacity. 

If you have any questions, please contact your Commercial Services 
Representative or the hotline at (713) 215-6301.