Northwest Pipeline LLC NOTICE #29558 Draft Tariff Filing  Realignment Shippers Un-utilized MDQ posted on May 4 2020 1:50PM TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 67977322 Critical: N Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE Notice Type Desc: OTHER Post D/T: 05/04/2020 1:50 PM MCT Notice Eff D/T: 05/04/2020 1:50 PM MCT Notice End D/T: Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required Rsp D/T: Notice ID: 20-051 Prior Notice: Subject: Draft Tariff Filing  Realignment Shippers Un-utilized MDQ Notice Text: Northwest offers its customers an opportunity to review its major tariff filings prior to filing them with 
FERC. Northwest asks that you provide any comments or concerns on or before May 12, 2020, so 
Northwest can respond prior to the filing being submitted to FERC. Please direct comments and 
concerns to Mike Rasmuson (801-584-7278) or Dave Madsen (801-584-6864).

The purpose of this filing is to amend General Terms and Conditions (“GT&C”) Section 14.15 (d)(iii) of 
the Tariff to clarify what constitutes a realignment shipper’s unutilized firm maximum daily quantity 
(“MDQ”)  when determining a shipper’s realignment operational flow order obligation.

This topic was presented and discussed in the Shipper Advisory Board conference call held on April 9, 
2020.  An updated presentation diagramming and explaining the four exceptions mentioned in the 
proposed tariff language is available on Northwest’s website under Other at the following link:  (click ‘Other’, then ‘Realignment Shippers Unutilized 
MDQ Scenarios’ located under Shipper Advisory Board).  

A draft copy of the proposed filing is available on Northwest's website under Regulatory/Proposed Tariff 
Filings at the following link:  (click 'Regulatory,' then 
'Proposed Tariff Filings').
