Northwest Pipeline LLC NOTICE #29271 System update and Overrun Entitlement Warning posted on Nov 1 2019 2:00PM TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 67977322 Critical: Y Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE Notice Type Desc: OTHER Post D/T: 11/01/2019 2:00 PM MCT Notice Eff D/T: 11/01/2019 2:00 PM MCT Notice End D/T: Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required Rsp D/T: Notice ID: 19-180 Prior Notice: Subject: System update and Overrun Entitlement Warning Notice Text:  

As referenced in All-Shipper notice 19-178, Northwest Pipeline’s (NWP)
Jackson Prairie (JP) inventory has been reduced by approximately 700,000 Dth
over the last five days due to heavy drafting caused by the current cold
weather event.

If Northwest continues to experience excessive drafting, Northwest will
declare a general entitlement for overruns pursuant to Section
14.6 of Northwest's Pipeline Gas Tariff.

If you have any questions, please contact your Marketing Services
Representative or the Scheduling Hotline at (801) 584-7301.