Northwest Pipeline LLC NOTICE #29155 Winter Fuel Filing Approved By FERC posted on Sep 25 2019 11:53AM TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 67977322 Critical: N Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE Notice Type Desc: RATES AND CHARGES Post D/T: 09/25/2019 11:48 AM MCT Notice Eff D/T: 09/25/2019 11:48 AM MCT Notice End D/T: Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required Rsp D/T: Notice ID: 19-149 Prior Notice: Subject: Winter Fuel Filing Approved By FERC Notice Text:

On September 24, 2019, the Commission accepted Northwest’s tariff filings to

decrease the fuel reimbursement factor for Northwest’s transportation services under Rate

Schedules TF-1, TF-2, TI-1 and DEX-1 from 1.64% to 1.16%.


The effective date of the change is October 1, 2019.


If you have any questions, please contact your Marketing Services Representative

or the Scheduling Hotline at (801) 584-7301.

