Northwest Pipeline LLC NOTICE #29036 WEBICE Blast for NWP Capacity posted on Jun 10 2019 2:59PM TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 67977322 Critical: N Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE Notice Type Desc: OTHER Post D/T: 06/10/2019 2:59 PM MCT Notice Eff D/T: 06/10/2019 2:59 PM MCT Notice End D/T: Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required Rsp D/T: Notice ID: 19-105 Prior Notice: Subject: WEBICE Blast for NWP Capacity Notice Text: In addition to using "All Shipper Notices'" to share information related to Northwest's Available Capacity, Northwest will begin utilizing "WebICE blasts" to notify customers of capacity offerings. Customers wishing to participate in our WebICE distributions should send an email to providing your name, title, and WebICE Handle to enroll. If you have any questions please contact me at (801) 584-6586 or the Hotline at 713-215-6301. Thank you, Sean Swenson