Northwest Pipeline LLC NOTICE #28852 Supply Shortage OFO Communication posted on Feb 26 2019 2:59PM TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 67977322 Critical: Y Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE Notice Type Desc: OTHER Post D/T: 02/26/2019 2:59 PM MCT Notice Eff D/T: 02/26/2019 2:59 PM MCT Notice End D/T: Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required Rsp D/T: Notice ID: 19-046 Prior Notice: Subject: Supply Shortage OFO Communication Notice Text: Due to the anticipated impacts associated with Enbridge's posted maintenance beginning February 27, 2019 along with the reduced deliverability at Jackson Prairie, Northwest would like to provide additional information on how a potential Supply Shortage OFO will be administered in addition to the communication that was provided in the All Shipper Notice No. 19-043. If Shippers' OFO compliance after the completion of the evening nomination cycle is insufficient to bring the primary firm nomination requests down to the greater of the physical design capacity or the posted operational capacity, Northwest will invoke a Supply Shortage OFO by posting an All Shipper Notice. Below are the actions that will take place under each OFO category if such Supply Shortage OFO is invoked. Realignment OFO - Cut previously scheduled quantities during the Intraday 1 cycle going through the constraint point associated with any Shipper subject to a Realignment OFO that has failed to comply with such Realignment OFO. Shippers that are subject to the Realignment cuts may need to reduce load to avoid Entitlement penalties pursuant to 14.6 of the General Terms and Conditions of the Tariff. Contract-specific OFO and Must-flow OFO - Shippers subject to a Contract-specific or Must-flow OFO will then have until the Intraday 1 nomination cycle to comply by either nominating the necessary displacement gas or taking other actions acceptable to Northwest. If, after exerting good faith efforts, Shipper is unable to obtain physical supply at any point on the opposite side of the constraint point, then in order to avoid penalties for noncompliance, Shipper must attest to such facts by providing Northwest with an acceptable affidavit, executed by an officer of the company. Any such affidavit must be provided to Transporter prior to the Intraday 1 nomination cycle for Shipper to be exempt from penalties. Supply Shortage OFO - Allocate the greater of the physical design capacity or posted operational capacity by allocating Shipper's previously scheduled primary firm scheduled quantities pro rata based on the Shipper's primary firm corridor rights through the OFO constraint point in the constraint direction. Shippers that are subject to Supply Shortage OFO actions may need to reduce load to avoid Entitlement penalties pursuant to 14.6 of the General Terms and Conditions of the Tariff. Any Shipper that fails to comply with its OFO obligations will be subject to the OFO penalties outlined in Section 14.15 of General Terms and Conditions of Northwest's tariff. Northwest has posted on its website the presentation that was associated with the conference call on Supply Shortage OFO tariff filing. The presentation is located at Other/Miscellaneous Downloads/OFO Tariff Changes Conference Call Presentation 11092018.pdf at the following link: (click 'Other'). If you have any questions, please contact your Marketing Services Representative or the Scheduling Hotline at 713-215-6301. MR/GV/JR