Northwest Pipeline LLC NOTICE #28751 Correction - Entitlement will be lifted December 11 not December 10 posted on Dec 6 2018 8:12AM TSP Name: Northwest Pipeline LLC TSP: 67977322 Critical: Y Notice Stat Desc: INITIATE Notice Type Desc: OTHER Post D/T: 12/06/2018 8:12 AM MCT Notice Eff D/T: 12/06/2018 8:12 AM MCT Notice End D/T: Reqrd Rsp Desc: No response required Rsp D/T: Notice ID: 18-149 Prior Notice: 18-148 Subject: Correction - Entitlement will be lifted December 11 not December 10 Notice Text: Effective beginning of the gas day Tuesday, December 11th, Northwest Pipeline is lifting the Stage III (13%) overrun entitlement currently in place in the Kemmerer to Roosevelt (including the Spokane and Wenatchee laterals) corridor as well as the north of Roosevelt (I-5) corridor. The entitlement is being lifted based on the capacity estimates made available by Westcoast Energy Inc in notice #51146, extended weather forecasts and Northwest's current Jackson Prairie balance of 1.7 Bcf. System Balancing, as indicated on Northwest's Electronic Bulletin Board (EBB) under the PAL/System Balancing tab is currently designated as "No" for both on and off system balancing. Pursuant to Northwest FERC Gas Tariff section 15.3, "The 45 non-entitlement, Balancing-Approved Day period will be extended proportionately if, and to the extent that Shipper's failure to bring its imbalance within tolerances is caused by Transporter's inability to accommodate Shipper's make-up or payback nomination(s)." Northwest requests that customers continue to be diligent in managing supply and market to avoid excessive drafting. Northwest will closely monitor upstream notices, weather forecasts, line pack and storage levels (maintaining a JP storage balance above 1.3 Bcf is a key factor) in determining authorized balancing and entitlement levels. Park and Loan is available on a daily basis. Please monitor the EBB for volumes and rates. If you have any questions, please contact your Marketing Services Representative or the Scheduling Hotline at 713-215-6301. DA/GV