Rate Schedule TF-2 Service Agreement

Contract No. 144862


THIS SERVICE AGREEMENT (Agreement) by and between Northwest Pipeline LLC (Transporter) and IGI Resources, Inc. (Shipper) is made and entered into on September 27, 2022.


  1. Pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 22 of the General Terms and Conditions of Transporter's FERC Gas Tariff, Shipper acquired certain transportation capacity that was temporarily released by Intermountain Gas Company from contract 100307.
  2. The storage redelivery service hereunder is related to that certain Rate Schedule LS-2F service agreement (#144861) dated September 27, 2022.



THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants set forth herein, Transporter and Shipper agree as follows:

  1. Tariff Incorporation. Rate Schedule TF-2 and the General Terms and Conditions (GT&C) that apply to Rate Schedule TF-2 , as such may be revised from time to time in Transporter's FERC Gas Tariff (Tariff), are incorporated by reference as part of this Agreement, except to the extent that any provisions thereof may be modified by non-conforming provisions herein.
  2. Transportation Service. Subject to the terms and conditions that apply to service under this Agreement, Transporter agrees to receive, transport and deliver natural gas for Shipper, on a firm basis. The Transportation Contract Demand, the Annual Contract Quantity, the Maximum Daily Quantity at the Primary Receipt Point, and the Maximum Daily Delivery Obligation at each Primary Delivery Point are set forth on Exhibit A.
  3. Transportation Rates. Shipper agrees to pay Transporter for all services rendered under this Agreement at the rates set forth or referenced herein. The Monthly Billing Quantity for reservation charges is set forth on Exhibit A. The Maximum Base Tariff Rates (Recourse Rates) for Rate Schedule TF-2 set forth in the Statement of Rates in the Tariff, as revised from time to time, will apply to service hereunder unless and to the extent that discounted Recourse Rates or awarded capacity release rates apply as set forth on Exhibit A or negotiated rates apply as set forth on Exhibit D. Additionally, if applicable under Section 21 of the GT&C, Shipper agrees to the incremental facilities charge as set forth on Exhibit C.
  4. Transportation Term. This Agreement becomes effective on the effective date set forth on Exhibit A. The primary term begin date for the transportation service hereunder is set forth on Exhibit A. This Agreement will remain in full force and effect through the primary term end date set forth on Exhibit A and, if Exhibit A indicates that an evergreen provision applies, through the established evergreen rollover periods thereafter until terminated in accordance with the notice requirements under the applicable evergreen provision.
  5. Non-Conforming Provisions. All aspects in which this Agreement deviates from the Tariff, if any, are set forth as non-conforming provisions on Exhibit B. If Exhibit B includes any material non-conforming provisions, Transporter will file the Agreement with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) and the effectiveness of such non-conforming provisions will be subject to the Commission acceptance of Transporter's filing of the non-conforming Agreement.
  6. Capacity Release. If Shipper is a temporary capacity release Replacement Shipper, any capacity release conditions, including recall rights, are set forth on Exhibit A.
  7. Exhibit / Addendum to Service Agreement Incorporation. Exhibit A is attached hereto and incorporated as part of this Agreement. If any other Exhibits apply, as noted on Exhibit A to this Agreement, then such Exhibits also are attached hereto and incorporated as part of this Agreement. If an Addendum to Service Agreement has been generated pursuant to Sections 11.5 or 22.12 of the GT&C of the Tariff, it also is attached hereto and incorporated as part of this Agreement.
  8. Regulatory Authorization. Transportation service under this Agreement is authorized pursuant to the Commission regulations set forth on Exhibit A.
  9. Superseded Agreements. When this Agreement takes effect, it supersedes, cancels and terminates the following agreement(s): None, but the following Amendments and/or Addendum to Service Agreement which have been executed but are not yet effective are not superseded and are added to and become an Amendment and/or Addendum to this agreement: None
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Transporter and Shipper have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above.
IGI Resources, Inc. Northwest Pipeline LLC
By: /S/ By: /S/
Title: PRESIDENT Title: Director Commercial Services



Dated September 27, 2022, Effective October 01, 2022

to the

Rate Schedule TF-2 Service Agreement

(Contract No. 144862)

between Northwest Pipeline LLC

and IGI Resources, Inc.


(Releasing Shipper/Contract No. : Intermountain Gas Company/100307)



  1. Transportation Contract Demand: 36,382 Dth per day
  2. Annual Contract Quantity: 389,347 Dth
  3. Monthly Billing Quantity: 1,067 Dth
  4. Primary Receipt Point:
      Point ID Name Maximum Daily Quantity (Dth)    
      194 PLYMOUTH LNG RECEIPT 36,382    
       Total 36,382
  5. Primary Delivery Point(s):

    Delivery of natural gas by Transporter to Shipper shall be at or near the points whose location are described in Shipper's currently effective Service Agreement (Contract No. 100004) under Rate Schedule TF-1.

  6. Transportation Rates:
    1. Awarded Reservation Charge (per Dth of Monthly Billing Quantity): $0.00, plus applicable surcharges
    2. Volumetric Charge (per Dth): Maximum Base Tariff Rate, plus applicable surcharges
    3. Volumetric Charge Rate Discount Conditions Consistent with Section 3.3 of Rate Schedule TF-2: Not Applicable
  7. Transportation Term: Begin Date: October 01, 2022

    Nomination Cycle: Timely

    End Date: March 31, 2023

  8. Contract-Specific OFO Parameters and/or Alternative Actions in lieu of a Contract-Specific OFO:


  9. Regulatory Authorization: 18 CFR 284.223
  10. Additional Exhibits:

    Exhibit B No

    Exhibit C No

  11. Standard Capacity Release Conditions:
    1. Releasing Shipper's recall rights:
      1. Released capacity may be recalled prior to the Timely nomination cycle applicable to the initial day of the capacity recall.
      2. Recall notification: Allowed on any day
      3. Recall provisions in Section 22.2(a)(2) of the General Terms and Conditions of Transporter's Tariff also apply: No
    2. Reput rights: Yes
    3. Primary Delivery Point may be changed through amendment: No
    4. Re-releasable: Yes
    5. Asset Management Arrangement: Yes, this release is done pursuant to an asset management agreement. Releasing shipper may, on any day during a minimum period of five months (or 155 days), call upon the Replacement Shipper to deliver to the releasing shipper up to one-hundred percent of the daily storage demand on this agreement.
  12. Additional Capacity Release Conditions pursuant to Section 22.7(k) of the GT&C:

    The capacity released hereunder is being released pursuant to an asset management arrangement (the "AMA") between Intermountain Gas Company ("Intermountain"), the releasing shipper, and IGI Resources, Inc. ("IGI"), the replacement shipper. Pursuant to the AMA, IGI, as asset manager is acquiring 389,347 MMBTUs of Intermountain's capacity for a period from October 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023. IGI has agreed to deliver natural gas to Intermountain on each Day of the term of the AMA in an amount up to one hundred percent (100%) of the released capacity. The capacity is being released on a recallable basis, with the ability to recall being based upon (i) a breach of the AMA that leads to the termination of the AMA, or (ii) upon the mutual agreement of the parties.